Is anyone allergic to their own hormones?

I am allergic to either estrogen or progesterone. I am on 4 tablets a day of oestrogen and 4 pessaries a day of progesterone. I am covered in a rash all over my face, chest back and ribs. I have a bit coming down to my arm now. It’s tiny red bumps. I called my clinic who did I am taking natural drugs and I won’t be allergic to that and it must be something else. Nothing else has changed so it’s nothing else causing it. I was thinking about it the other day and I do get tiny red bumps on my face chest and back occasionally at certain times of the month but I thought it was hormonal and it’s only a tiny bit. They ignored me when I said that like they are trying to get rid of me on the phone. Antihistamines are not getting rid of the rash but I have only taken two.

Just wondering if anyone else is allergic to estrogen or progesterone or if it’s just me? Is this why my

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is not working? It failed last time and I know this time it’s failed too as I have done a ultr early test which was negative and I’m 10 day past a 5dt