Can I just vent for a second?


Ladies, I just need to vent to people who truly understand.

I’ve posted several times before. But I’m 27, partner turns 29 today. We started with an RE in August. Come to find out I have a low AMH 1.4, but FSH was 12. His sperm are fairly good. We waited a few months before we started anything. Retested AMH first of November and it dropped to 1.1. I know that the number can vary, but that was a significant drop to us in two months. We started letrozole for November, two follicles, triggered, and nothing. Did another cycle of letrozole, but somehow missed the ovulation time frame and didn’t get to trigger.

Well, I started last night. And my heart hurts so dang bad. I’ve said all along thst I only wanted to try two rounds of letrozole because I wasn’t comfortable with more. So this means we are moving to <a href="">IVF</a>.

BUT y’all, we don’t have the money. The current clinic quoted us 34,000$. That’s with two egg retrieval’s (due to low AMH), pgs testing, and transfer. Oh, that’s not with meds.

My heart hurts so bad. I feel defeated. There’s just no way we could do <a href="">IVF</a> any time soon. And I am so scared it won’t work for us, then all that money is gone. We aren’t wealthy, by any means. I’m a teacher and he owns a business.

We had a Christmas program at my school the other day, and I just bawled. Seeing all these kids up there knowing that some of them have horrible parents, and knowing that to have thst is a long shot for us, seriously broke my heart.

I just needed to vent. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. I really just needed to get this off my chest.