
I was starting to think that maybe I was infertile, or maybe my SO was infertile. I was losing hope. I eventually gave up hoping and started thinking about life with JUST my SO and I. Honestly, it’s pretty awesome.

My SO and I were house sitting for my sister, and we were just messing around. I was almost certain I had started my period (it was a day before I was suppose to.) Hubby was joking around saying I was pregnant and honestly it got my hopes up. I was telling him, I’m not testing though. I can’t bare to see another negative test again 😭

The next day rolls around and it hits me. Nausea. I can’t eat anything at all. I feel super weak and out of energy. I go to the bathroom to see if maybe I feel like that because of my period, nope. No period. I start talking to him, asking if he’d be happy if we had a little squishy of our own, and of course he said he’ll be happy.

Two more days pass and still no period. Mind you, my periods are NEVER late. So I decided to get a digital test instead of the others, I didn’t want to play the guessing game just to find out I’m not pregnant.

I go to take the test, pee on the stick, clip the cap on, sit it on the sink top, clean myself up, and flush. By the time I’m finished with that, not even a minute, I get my very first ever BFP!!!

I was so excited. I ran to the room with a huge smile on my face and without even telling my SO he has a huge smile on his face and says “I told you” and hugs me. I’ll never forget his reaction. It was so cute.

Telling our families kind of killed the excitement. They told us we screwed up our lives. There was shouting and screaming, there were many many tears from me. (Mind you we are younger, but we wouldn’t have been trying if we weren’t stable.)

My hubby’s sister in law has been there with us every step of the way and comforted me when I needed it the most. She helped me set up the first appointment and Medicaid and all of that good stuff. She’s been so helpful, and such a good friend of mine for a long time. I love her with all my heart. We decided, if we have a little girl, we’re going to give our baby girl his sisters middle name. You should have seen her when I told her. She started crying and it was so sweet.

Moral of the story is, never get discouraged. People will have bad reactions, but that just shows you who wants to be in your child’s life and who you should have around your baby.

Currently 7 weeks and 5 days. Couldn’t be any happier. 🥰

(Pst. I locked away my ultrasound photos in a safe so I don’t lose them. This is a picture my SO took of the screen when we were in the room. Sorry for the blurryness of it)

(Took a cheap test after just to make sure lol)