I had an average pregnancy similar to my first one but with different symptoms

I had an average pregnancy similar to my first one but with different symptoms. My first labor was very long and slow.. when it was time and I started having contractions they were so strong but soooo irregular 20 min apart 10 min apart 15 min apart 12 mon apart 10. Then it stayed at 10 min apart forever and they stayed strong and it hurt.. when we decided to just go get checked at the clinic they said I was at a 4.. but then I had a contraction that just wouldn't go away and I had to POOP!! So I pooped and pushed... I had another contraction after that and pushed again and pooped more... ugh so embarrassing.. I looked and said I need to PUSH!! When my doctor showed up he said your baby is almost out... and I had 1 more contraction and pushed my baby out from head to toe. Boom baby was out 30 min after we showed up to clinic. This was the most painful fast labor I've had. I went all natural with my first but it was so slow and I got breaks in between and had pushed for and hr with breaks in between contractions so this definitely was a whole new experience lol.