Did you have intervention with and Epidural?

Currently pregnant with my second baby and want to do things differently this time round. First baby I had a 30+ hours labour (was induced) and was on remifentanil. remifentanil worked as pain relief (apart from the stitches afterwards) but I was absolutely off my face!! I was so high it was all just a wave blur. I really would like to be more with it this time round. I have a very low pain tolerance so I will try and do things more naturally (especially if it’s a quicker labour) but I couldn’t handle the pain last time so I’m not sure I can this time. I like the sound of epidural as I will at least be in the room rather than off my face unlike last time but I know it can lead to needing intervention.

I’m not really looking for a should I have an epidural response more if you had one did you have to have intervention? I’ve heard you can increase the need for forceps or a c-section and just wondered if that was true for anyone? Also how common is it for the headache / migraine problems to occur? Thanks all