Cross Faded - (Long but it’s Worth It)


Soooo. A few weeks ago, we had some friends over and we were drinking and smoking and playing Cards Against Humanity. We’re all either drunk/tipsy, high, or both. My girlfriend and I are just in shorts and sports bras. For some odd reason we were hanging out in the kitchen doing this. Sooooo I bent down to get a snack and I seen a flash so I looked at my girlfriend thinking she took a picture with her flash on and she was looking at me confused. So I stand up and look at our friends and my boyfriend (I am polyamorous) and we’re all looking at each other confused asf!!! Sooo we instantly freak out because now we know that flash wasn’t my girl taking a pic. Now the anxiety sets in and we’re all sober scared asf. We’re thinking the cops done showed up and they were shining the light in the window (cause of the way my house is if they knock on the front door 9 times out of 10 we cannot hear it because there’s an “addition”) ooorr that we have some peeping Tom. My girlfriend and I both do a premium Snapchat so we were like “oh nooooo. A buyer done found us” 🤣 So the boys rush outside to go make sure it wasn’t someone out there. Well, we end up sitting on our back porch, geniuses am I right? When we come inside no one really wants to play CAH anymore or even drink/smoke cause we’re all like wtf. So We start putting CAH up and our friend goes “wait. Wasn’t that on earlier?” And points to the wax burner on the counter. The light bulb in it blew causing the flash🤣🤦‍♀️ we all felt sooooo stupid at the end of it🤣🤦‍♀️ needless to say we started drinking and smoking again but not enough to do anything. I hope you guys find this as hilarious as we do🤣♥️