Feeding schedule/issue


My baby is 5w5d... he usually eats 3 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours except at night he will go 5 hours between feeding. Yesterday he ate 3oz at 6:15am around 930am I made him another bottle but he just didn’t want it, I tried every 30mins to an hour after that and he he literally had no interest. He wasn’t giving feeding cues he wasn’t fussy at all he was just content when awake and sleeping great. Around 2pm he finally ate his normal 3oz serving and was back on schedule from there. At bedtime we did our little routine he at his 3oz at 10and would normally wake around 2am for another feeding but here it is 5:15am and he just woke up first time.

I know he isn’t going to go hungry and as long as it is offered he will eat when he is ready.

My question is. Is this normal for such a little baby? The dr isn’t open so I can’t call and ask until Monday..