Mums with toddler uti experience!?

My daughter is 18 months old, we’ve just found out she has a uti & have been giving antibiotics. It’s her 2nd one in less then 3 months (I keep her clean so don’t say I’m a bad mum)

Her first one didn’t really affect her but we took medication for a week and it went away, she wasn’t sick nor had a temp or any signs except not drinking.

With this one (we found out at hospital last night), she’s had a fever since 12 Friday night.

3 episodes of vomiting, 1 episode of diarrhoea, her temp has only been good for roughly an hour & that’s while we were in hospital. When we arrived she was 40.5. Were home & she’s been having a decent amount to drink. But really fussy with eating, she keeps on gagging though after drinking or having something to eat. Her temp an hour ago was 40.1 & I’ll be taking it again shortly to see if it’s dropped. She’s been super sleepy which I assume is normal with such a fever & feeling unwell.

I’m just curious did your babies have a uti and have these symptoms? I’m just so worried about her, the whole 18 months of having her I’ve never seen her look as bad as she does 😭

Hospital doctor said if after a few days of medication she isn’t better to bring her straight back to hospital