Water ripped

Shannon • 6-7-20

The day before my labor I had a dr appointment and my blood pressure was very elevated and they couldn’t figure out why. I was sent home and told to do a 24 hour urine collection for testing. The next day I was exactly 38 weeks with my little princess when I woke up at 8:30a.m. and felt like I had peed myself and was continually peeing myself just a little each time. I got called into work at noon. Still curious why I kept peeing myself. I went into work and worked 5 hours handing food out the drive thru window at McDonald’s where I was a manager. I told my friend I felt a little off and that I was going to the women’s center to get checked. As I was leaving work I called my parents (the dad was completely absent). They said they were on their way from three towns over so I went and sat in the parking lot waiting for them. I wasn’t in any pain and honestly thought it was nothing. My parents got there and the nurse checked me in and then checked my cervix and turned out my water had ripped which I didn’t even know could happen. So I was officially hooked up to everything about 7pm. Still felt no pain. 10pm rolls around and I started feeling a little pain. By 2:45am my body couldn’t handle the pain and the vomiting due to the pain and not being able to move around due to high blood pressure. So the nurse told me I needed an epidural. So she checked me and I was at 7.5cm and then the epidural came. I just started to relax in bed as the nurse was leaving the room and as soon as she closed the door I told my mom I needed to push. She went and told the nurse who didn’t believe it bc I was only at 7.5cm maybe 5 minutes before. She checked me and sure enough I was at a 10. They had me wait 20 minutes for the dr to get there before I could push. Pushed 25 minutes and she was born at 3:45am.