Just needing some encouragement


I feel like such a bad mom. Twice since she was born I’ve been frustrated and spoken sternly (not yelled but I’m sure if I wasn’t holding her i would have wanted to). I know she’s kicking and punching bc she’s hot a tummy ache and I’m doing everything I can to help and alleviate it and get my doctor to do something but after setting her down for a minute and catching my sanity I just can’t help but feel like the most horrible person. I cry bc I know it’s not fair to her. I know I’m sleep deprived and need more help than I’m getting and she is a Velcro baby and I’m going 16 hours a day nonstop until her dad gets home and takes her for an hour or two while I pump and then wash bottles and pumps and make us food then go to bed and start all over... but still feel like the worst person for getting mad at her! Please tell me you’ve been there and I’m not a horrible mom😢😢 she’s only two months old. I’ve been good on ppd but twice now I’ve just reached my limit with the colic and the screaming and it’s hard not having anyone to help me or be there for me since birth. My fiancé has done everything possible to help but had to go back to work a few days after we got home from the hospital 😕