Lorena • mama to Eevee Bloom + Winter Moon 🌻🌙🧡

let me first start off by saying this pregnancy was a huge surprise, we had been ttc for almost 2 years and nothing, I always stressed, always over analysed every symptom when to have sex ect

1. STOP OVER ANALYSING! it’s not going to help but actually decrease your chances

I got pregnant in October 2018 and gave birth to my beautiful daughter in June 2019 (currently ttc baby number 2)

I HAD NO PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS WHATSOEVER YEP just had a few cramps like I was about to start my period and that’s it!

not all pregnancy have symptoms so please try to relax and stop trying so hard, I know it’s hard but really being calm and just living life not thinking about ttc all the damn time, it just happened for us greatest surprise of our lives!