Is there hope?

Samantha • Mama to a handsome boy and angel baby 👼 👦! Proud military wifey ❤️

I know this is going to be such a stupid question but I had a D&C on december 6th at 11 weeks. I bled for a week exactly and gave myself the extra week to heal down there. Hubby and I had sex tonight for the first time since the D&C. Of course we want a baby so we didn’t use protection. I’m actually incredibly fertile anyway and get pregnant first try with having sex just the once. However I’m worried it’s going to take him and I longer than it did for me and my other babies ❤️:(! The doctor said I would be really fertile after this and could easily get pregnant however I’m not that hopeful. They made it seem like I still could even with hcg in my system? As I’ll still getting positive tests the last I checked. Is this possible? Silly question I know but just looking for some hope