Advice Please!!!


So my boyfriend of 4 months broke up with me about 6 weeks ago just randomly out of the blue. Like I never saw it coming. No warning signs nothing. He said he needed some time to think over some things and that he wasn’t ready for commitment like he thought. We decided to remain friends but that didn’t last very long because he dropped me on social media shortly after.

Then he started asking my friends about me. Then he asked two of my friends on dates. One friend said no go to hell and the other sadly said yes. But the date didn’t go anywhere because he just asked her about me the entire time. She hid this from me until I found out a week ago.

We live in a small town so I see his family and friends quite a bit and they always tell me how much they miss me and wish me well. His mom even hugged me and said she hopped to see me again before Christmas.

I understand that what he pulled breaking up with me and then trying to get with my friends was a dick move but I still feel like we were meant for each other. I don’t know what to do if I should just leave things the way they are? Or should I reach out? I’m really in an emotional pickle and need all the help I can get. #help