Increasing milk supply.


My baby girl is 5 weeks old and mostly breastfeeds. She Has the occasional bottle when her dad feeds her (if I’m having a sleep in or having a drink with dinner) or when my mum baby sits.

She feeds every 2-5 hours and Im wondering when and how long I should be pumping to increase milk supply so that I can freeze breastmilk for my partner and mother.

Should I express after each feed? Or in between feeds? I usually express in between and get about 50-70ml most times and on the odd occasion I get over 70ml. )which is usually when she’s having a larger gap between feeds.

I went to the supermarket today and brought some breastfeeding cookies and brewers yeast to make my own and add to smoothies.

Btw.. she has awesome weight gain and I do offer a boob every time she cries so I’m guessing that’s why her feeds are so all over the place.. 😅