Suspected ectopic - desperate for advice


Hi ladies. My head is a total mess so I’m just looking for some advice.

I found out I am pregnant on 13th December. It was a faint line which over a 4 day period turned into a very clear positive. I’ve been feeling well - other than a few cramps and sore boobs.

On Sunday, I suddenly had what felt like a stitch in my right side and my ovary. It really hurt - and I felt very sick with it however it passed in an hour. Yesterday - the same pain but not as bad. I phoned 111 who suggested an early scan (I should be 6 weeks pregnant) so we went to the EPU.

On the scan, she could see nothing in my womb at all other than a thickened lining. No sac, no embryo... nothing. What she did see was an abnormal mass near my right ovary (which is where the pain is) however she couldn’t be sure that it was ectopic so sent me down for bloods.

Hcg level is 3000 with bloods - so they have said the pregnancy definitely isn’t viable and 90% sure it’s ectopic. Because the pain has gone away and I’m fit and well, I’ve been sent home and they are doing repeat bloods tomorrow.

I am terrified. Terrified of a rupture, terrified of surgery and terrified knowing that I have a baby inside me that’s in the wrong place.

My last period started 12th November. I got a positive Opk on 29th November so maybe ovulated late this month - but regardless with a hcg level that high they’ve said that they’d definitely be able to see something in the womb if it was viable.

My question is - what on Earth do I do. I feel like I’m sat here waiting for a rupture. I just want to know what’s going on and for it to be 100% identified so that I can get the correct treatment. I feel so so in limbo and just don’t know what to do. No pain, no bleeding... I don’t understand it.

Any advice or similar experiences much appreciated x