20 weeks pregnant & pesticide exposure

Help! Ima first time mom, I’m 19weeks 6 days and we have been battling mice and fleas in the house that we rent! It’s literally been driving me insane. Anyways, we finally decided to have an exterminator come out, and after assuring me and my family that it was safe being pregnant, sprayed both the inside and the outside of my home. I’m naive and just believed them without giving it another thought and was even in the house while they sprayed! I just didn’t think about it. After they finished I could smell the spray and thought there’s no way this can be good for me or baby, so I grabbed my shoes and went outside to let it dry. I made the mistake of googling and now I feel like an idiot for letting them spray in my home. I know they used onlslaught fastcap indoors and a mixture of ten guard/talstar outdoors. Has anyone else done this? I’m so paranoid now I don’t even want to go back inside bc I’m scared of the effect it can have on my baby. Someone please help??