Really confused and not sure

Rose • mom of 👼👼2 girls👧👧 & 2boy🧒👼🧒🤰

(Sorry in advance for the pictures)...... So November 26 & 27th I found I was pregnant then December 8th I started to have bleeding but not so much to fill up a pad or go through 2 pads how the ask or say. the bleeding was when I would wipe some here and there on the pad but very little I haven't done another pregnancy test... I did go to the er they said the baby was there the baby was measuring 5 weeks 3 days by that time I should have been 7 week 5 days ..(they told me as well it was a threaded miscarriage).. so on the 10th of December I went to the restroom like normal and this came out. Having 2 previously miscarriages they looked nothing like this I want to hope the baby's still there but I'm so unsure.... I haven't go to an obgyns 😔 office but I do have an appointment. I'm just so scared 😔 no one really understands my pain here at home 😔