I can’t believe it!

Karen • 🌱 Happily in love with my fiancé & fur bebés.🌻🐱🐶 Our first little nugget is due 9/2020🤰🏻😍💚💜

I deleted my post before. 😭 because it was obvious I was just too shocked to believe it.

After 7-8 months trying, I finally have my BFP, my period is 3 days away and I’m 12 DPO.

It feels so unreal, I even tested 4 days ago and it was negative.

I was super bored and tested with a OPK earlier today, because I wanted to avoid buying a pregnancy test if I didn’t need too. But I wanted to get the need to test something out of the way!

To my surprise it was a positive OPK!

I decided to go buy some last minute gifts and I purchased first response test.


Guys I still cannot believe this, I’m in shock and so happy.

The last time I was pregnant which was years ago I was four months pregnant, and I lost the baby. I had a abusive boyfriend back then who threw me down a flight of stairs when I told him I was keeping the baby, I had a miscarriage that day and deep down was never the same. I lost the baby, a innocent angel and it was a battle of depression, ptsd and so much work to get better from that relationship.

But I did it, I got better and was able to move forward.

Fast forward seven years and I’m engaged to the love of my life. My fiancé has been nothing, but a gods sent, he’s the most loving, understanding and sweetest man I have ever had the pleasure to love and be with.

I’m forever grateful this time around, if the little one sticks and makes it through the next 9 months that I’ll be able to hold them and love them. My little rainbow baby, but with a good daddy. 🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻

The best Christmas gift ever!! 🎄 🎁

Thank you guys for reading my post, I wrote a lot. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just had to rant I can’t really tell people yet, it’s so nice to have this app and be able to have all of you guys!


Happy holidays to you all!