He didn’t text back


So me and this guy have been dating for about 9 months(we’ve talked ab it and we’re just going with the flow of things, everyone says it’s too long to date I’m fine with it). We’ve talked pretty much everyday for the past 9 months.. when we can be together we are, if schedules don’t match up we text. we’re both in college and he disappeared during finals for like 3 days and the texts were super choppy. Then he sent me a voice memo explaining why he was away and it was due to having a lot of work. We talked that night and he said he wanted to see me this week, i asked when he’s free blah blah and he told me ab an event him and his friends had. I asked if he was prepared then like 9 hours later he responds. I respond when i see it (was at work) then i don’t hear anything... i feel like I’m being a bit of a drama queen because the first thing that came to mind was that he’s losing interest 😭☠️☠️ but then I’m like

Ok... girl, relax lmfao. I feel like I’m doing the most but i just want somebody to tell me if I’m being a drama queen or not lmao.