
Magdalena • 👶🏻7 May 2020, after 11 years TTC w/ PCOS. Married in Barbados, Sept 2016. Zoologist. Line manager

Hello 👋

I am 21 weeks and 3 days with my first child, a little boy after 10 years and 11 months TTC plus all manner of failed fertility treatments.

I’m 31 now but back when I was 22, I was at my heaviest and weighed 25 and a half stone (353lbs) - my weight ballooned after the emc I had with my ex who used to openly tell me it was my fault all the time. I was always big, even as a child, but I was never as big as that.

Ive always hated my body and felt like I need to cover up and hide as much as possible. I’ve lost over 13 stone, so now I have excess skin and a flat chest - now that’s the reason I feel the need to hide and always wear padded bras 😔

Well, we just had the in-laws over and my MIL kept looking at my belly and telling me how I was showing (it’s the first time she’s seen me in person since I’ve been pregnant).

My husband has been patting and rubbing my belly and telling me I’m showing for a while now but I wasn’t convinced.

I just had my evening shower and was about to come to my bed and I caught myself in the bathroom mirror when I was about to leave...

This is the first time I’ve ever actually been happy to have a big, round belly (which is just going to get bigger) 🤣

Or do I just look like I’ve scarfed down a giant Christmas dinner??? I think when it’s unmistakable that I have a bump, then I might be more confident, but right now I still need some reassurance...

My boy’s EDD is 3rd May 2020