FTM and worked so hard on my A1C!!!


This has been the best Christmas of my life, and I am so proud of myself and I just have to share because I normally am sad around Christmas because of hard times growing up. My OB ordered blood labs including A1C for me and I finally got the results today... y’all, I have the best A1C I’ve ever had my entire life... 5.7!!!!!!!! I’ve had type 1 since I was 9mo old and when I just told my mom (currently visiting her and my dad), she said she had only had my A1C at 6 a few times when I was young, but never in the 5’s!!!!! I feel so blessed this Christmas. This is my first pregnancy and it originally started off very rough, and I’ve been feeling like a horrible diabetic/mom and even though I’ve worked so hard on my blood sugars since finding out we were expecting at 5w2d, I just still couldn’t shake the feeling that my blood sugars were hurting my baby because of a horrible and nasty endocrinologist I saw for only my first trimester telling me so over and over and OVER that I was ‘killing my baby with how bad [my] blood sugars are’ (A1C was 7.4 when we found out about our surprise baby girl 💛). But seeing my A1C at the best it’s ever been, my baby girl hit 26w today and is healthy as can be, I was able to celebrate a good Christmas with my family and my fiancé and I will go celebrate with his family tonight... I’m just so thankful that my pregnancy is finally going well considering how hard the beginning was, and that my hard work is finally showing! Happy Holidays everyone!!💛💛💛

(Here’s a picture from an impromptu photoshoot my fiancé did for me last night, baby girl was responding to the lights and kicking like a crazy lady!💛)