My husband beat me on Christmas Day..

This year was mine and the hubby’s first Christmas. Instead of having a good Christmas my husband decided that we were gonna fight because I forgot to buy him a red shirt for Christmas photos. Instead of him being understanding that I’m also human and forget things on accident he repeatedly told me how worthless I am and how much of a mistake I was. My husband breaks things and messes the house up but I am expected to keep the house spotless 24/7 and fix everything it’s hard when I’m 8 months pregnant. He didn’t even buy me Christmas but spent $150 on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> to buy himself clothes and stuff he wanted and he still had presents under the tree. But I’m still the lazy unthoughtful selfish wife. So he repeatedly hit me in the face and head, dragged me through the house, through things at me and kicked me multiple times and I just had enough so I called the cops so they come and tell me that they would have to put us both in jail because I scratched him while he was dragging me but he would be released the next day but I wouldn’t I would be charged with domestic violence because he didn’t leave any marks on me. So to keep me out of jail I was told I could get a outfit but had to leave my house ASAP while he stayed there. Never will I trust another cop in my life. Tomorrow I have to go back to get the rest of my stuff and then I’ll leave and never see my husband again because I’ll be sending me our divorce papers. But it hurts so much to love someone that won’t ever love you back. I thought I’d spend my whole life with him until he started putting his hands on me after we married.