One Year Later (Birth Story)

Brittany • God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. -Psalm 46:5💕

I’m a year late but I would like to share my birth story with you all. On December 5th, 2018 I went to my weekly appointment with my OBGYN. My doctor checked my weight, baby’s heart beat, measured my stomach and checked to see if I dilated. I was 36 weeks along and dilated 1/2 cm. The next day December 6th I began experiencing some light cramps (nothing too major) no bleeding or spotting just some light cramps here and there. I ignored them and continued with cleaning and packing my hospital bag. The next day December 7th 2018 the cramps were no longer there but i began to experience pressure on my vaginal area. The pressure made it hard to walk or move around. I tried to continue on with my day. I called my mom over, made lunch and watch movies. It was about 2:15 pm I got up to use the restroom and as soon as i stood up I felt a hush of water running down my leg. I immediately called labor and delivery talked to the nurse on call and was told to come in to be checked. I took a shower, grab my hospital bag and went to the hospital. Luckily I live only 10 minutes away from the hospital. I arrived at the hospital about 3:00 pm. The nurse checked me and confirm my water indeed broke. I was admitted into the hospital and shortly after I was given Pitocin. I began the Pitocin about 3:30 pm. Everything was going great. I wasn’t in any pain nor felt any contractions. Two hrs later is when things started to pick up and the contractions began to intensify because the nurses came in and increased the dosage on the Pitocin. Around this time I was maybe 1.5 cm. My labor progressed and I was able to get the epidural at 6cm. I honestly didn’t feel when the epidural was going in. It was quick and painless. Around 2:00AM i developed a fever. My doctor was concerned about me developing an infection and wanted to get my fever down and get the baby out as soon as possible. I was given 2 Tylenol’s for my fever and IV medications. My fever went down and my labor progressed I went from 6cm to 10cm within 3hrs. Around 5:00am I was a complete 10cm and was

ready to push. The doctor on call was in the OR delivering another baby so i began to push with the nurse. I pushed for an hour and at 6:00AM on December 8th I delivered a beautiful baby girl weighing 6lbs and 13oz. She was 4 weeks early (36 weeks). Her original due date wasn’t until January 4th, 2019. She was healthy, passed all her test, didn’t require any NICU time and was able to come home with me 2 days later. I named her Brooklynn Bailei💕

This is Brooklynn a few hours old. 12/8/18

This is Brooklynn at 1 yr old 12/8/19