You’re beautiful!


Merry Christmas! I’ve seen a lot of posts on here about feeling or looking “fat” and wanted to say that for everyone struggling with body image right now when we’re in this in between stage of pregnancy — where the bump or bloat might look like too many Christmas cookies instead of baby — please try not to dwell on it or let it make you feel bad. Trust me, this all goes by way too quickly to spend time on feeling “fat” or worrying that others will think you are “fat.” You’re not “fat.” And really who cares if anyone thinks you are — they have no idea what amazing things your body is doing right now. The first time around, I was so anxious to get the real bump so everyone would know I was pregnant. This time, I truly don’t care. I’m just happy to have a healthy pregnancy. It’s amazing how your perspective changes. This is just the beginning of changes to your body and the postpartum is, unfortunately, usually harder to deal with body-wise than the stage we’re all going through now — so, if you can, embrace it. It will make things easier as your body changes. I know it’s corny but I’m really proud of my body because it’s growing a human. Also, not every woman who wants to be pregnant gets to experience this and I’m guessing they would gladly take every insecure feeling in the world to be able to carry a baby. I completely sympathize though, and I know you can’t really change your feelings (nor should you have to!) because of my silly post, but I want you to know that you are not fat! You are FAB! ❤️🎄🤰🏻