Hi ladies, I developed preeclampsia 4 weeks before my due date and I wanted to share my story with you...

Hi ladies, I developed preeclampsia 4 weeks before my due date and I wanted to share my story with you all incase anyone feels anything similar to me so they know to get to checked right away! It was sunday night I had a bad headache that would not go away and I was like whatever I'll power thru it so I dont have to take any pain meds, but everytime I nooded off I would wake up to pee and it would pound again. I just couldn't shake it whether it was strong or dull it was constant. I was also getting real swollen, like legs and feet but that came with pregnancy. I decided to google headaches and pregnancy and they said to get my blood pressure checked. I had a gyno check up that week prior and my blood pressure was perfect, always has been my whole life. So on my lunch break monday I went to the pharmacy and used the one there and hit the button. Well the thing was squeezing the life out of my arm it was turning purple. The machine said sometime crazy like 208/110 and wash flashing red saying critical hypertension, get help and I literally was like psh this thing is broken bye. Walked away and got lunch and went back to work. Well tuesday during the day at work my feet were like muffining over my flats and I still had a dull headache so I showed a coworker and she was like eh that's not good. I had an ultrasound that night so I was like I'll ask them to do a small physical before the ultrasound. So I told the lady at my appt hey I'm not feeling to hot can I get checked and pee in a cup? Shes like yeah sure. Well last week I weighed 187 and then 1 week later I weighed 197 with no belly gain I was like what the hell?! They did all that, the lady was like wow this BP is kinda high and during my ultrasound there was like little to no amniotic fluid in my belly for still having 4 weeks left. She goes okay were gonna get your results to the dr wait in the room. So my husband and I were waiting for like 2mins when she came in and was like okay this baby is coming tonight I laughed and was like Ha Ha shes like NO , you have protein in your pee and our blood pressure is stroke/seizure levels, this tells me you have preeclampsia and you need to get to the hospital. We went literally that night nothing was ready or prepared (let alone for that of a baby coming 4 weeks+3days early) They had to induce labor cuz my health was declining, I was swelling up like a pincushion everywhere my face, arms, legs, feet, hands but everytime I had a contraction his heart rate dropped to nothing we were both losing oxygen so she was like yeah your only 3cm dilated we are NOT waiting till 10 for both you and tour babys sake so they did an emergency Csection. He was born Wednesday 12/18 4lbs 2oz and has been in the NICU gaining health and strength with everyday that passes. He had very low blood sugar and wasnt maintaing body temp. We spent christmas here with him, pumping and feedings everyday since. Its 12/26 right now and he in still in there. He is so peanut and not passing his carseat stress test but the 2nd time he did it was better then the 1st so he has another test 12/28 so fingers crossed. And to all the NICU parents, feel free to contact me to share your feelings and thoughts because my mind is racing everyday and I'm just trying to keep my anxiety under control so any advice would be great too!!

Happy holidays!