2 month old runny nose/congestion?


My daughter is two months in 3 days. The past week she has had a “snort” when she cries hard. At first we weren’t very concerned. It’s now been about 3 days and she’s showing more signs of a runny nose. I can here it sometimes when she breathes and often when she breastfeeds. I can tel which nostril is giving her problems. Sometimes it’s more obvious and sometimes it’s not noticeable. She has a random cough/gag that occurs in result to her runny nose. I keep checking her temperature and so far it doesn’t seem like she has a fever. I’ve also been suctioning her nose throughout the day (not sure it’s helping).

I did call my pediatrician today because it’s making me nervous because she’s so young. I don’t want it to be something serious and not get it checked out. When I mentioned my concerns about her congestion and runny nose the nurse on the line said it’s just that time of the year and that all I can do is keep suctioning and keeping an eye on her..my actual pediatrician is out for a couple days on vacation (I was told ahead of time at last appointment) so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with them not offering to have her brought in to be looked at. Should I be concerned even more than I am? Should I keep contacting them if it doesn’t get better?