Sore breasts even after period stops?

So I switched from a non hormonal IUD to the pill. There were a few weeks where I was unprotected before I got on the pill and now I have been taking it for 3 weeks. Since there was a change in birth control I expected my period to change which it has. It skipped a whole month when I was unprotected, and then this recent time when I started after taking the pill I was only bleeding lightly 4 about days instead of my normal 9 while on my IUD. That is all fine and dandy with me but my question is my boobs in particular have NEVER hurt this bad before my period and even when they did hurt they stopped the first or second day- well they hurt like 3 days before, the whole 4 days, and now it’s been 2 or 3 days since I finished and still just as sore and huge. Usually they go down almost immediately. Has this happened to anyone? I was used to having my period and PMS same time every month for 8 years so I’m not used to changes that come with birth control