
Staci • 💙 Baby Boy 1/5/2020 💙 Baby Boy 1/21/2022

Ok so I am sure there are a 1000 other posts like this so sorry if there are FTM here.

Currently 35w5d, but baby is measuring about 2-2.5 weeks ahead.

Last week on the 15th I started to lose my mucus plug, just a little bit every other day or so. On the 16th I fell on my butt and slid down some stairs at home so the doc sent me to L&D. Baby is fine but they did say I was having contractions. They said it's normal to have them at this stage (34weeks) and to not even feel them. I asked if they were Braxton Hicks and they said no. All through the next week and half I continue to lose bits of my mucus plug. But I also have what I THINK is fluid leakage, I will have a half dollar coin amount of wet spot on my underwear randomly, no smell, no color, 99% sure not discharge.

Fast forward to today I was sitting in the bath waiting for the tub to fill up. I had a tightening of my lower abdomen and then a release (almost like a period or poop cramp) this happened a handful of times then went away for about 30 minutes then happened again. Now I am back in a break period.

Is this real contractions or Braxton Hicks?

Can you have Braxton Hicks if you are already having real contractions?

Can you all tell me what your real (early) contractions felt like vs BH?