Emotionally abusive???


Ladies, I have been having some problems.

My boyfriend of 4 years, we have a 11 month old daughter who will be a year next month.

He hasn't wanted to do anything with me, barely talks to me anymore, anything. Well last night we were celebrating Christmas at my moms house. I live right around the corner from her and I wanted to go home to change my pants, so my mom kept my daughter while I did. I offered him to go home with me so we had some adult alone time. (We never get that anymore because his freeloading friend lives on my couch and our daughter sleeps in our room)

So it was literally the perfect moment to go get some time and finally get to be loud and express how good it feels (I always have to be quite) well when I told him that he says "we dont need another baby right now and this isn't gonna turn into a situation where you trap me and get you pregnant because you want another baby and I dont. (Something I would never ever think about doing) and he just continued to make me feel like shit just tearing me down because I wanted another baby. Well that's out the window. He has been super rude lately, wont hardly say anything to me but has no problem talking to his lazy piece of shit friend, only seems to care about smoking weed and his video games. (When he doesn't work)

I feel like complete shit, I feel like I have to wear nothing but baggy clothes because he wont look at me at all sexually anymore, he sleeps on the edge of the bed now when he used to be right up against me cuddling when we get to bed. I feel like I can't say anything anymore without getting backlash for saying it. I am 20 days late on my period , my ovaries and fallopian tubes hurt like a son of a bitch. (I can barely walk) and I'm at a loss of what to do. He doesn't interact with our daughter anymore, he yells at her like everything is her fault which is completely and utterly wrong. And I feel terrible. I feel like I've failed as a mother and a girlfriend. I feel like I just cant do anything right anymore and I just cant please him anymore. I'm lost on what to do. I dont want to leave because I really do love him. But at the same time I'm ready to take my daughter and leave because we don't deserve this shit or to be treated like shit everyday. I sent him this message last night after all of this.

He got all pissy and just sat there with an attitude at my moms house because I finally broke. We came home and he said 2 words to me and then all of a sudden when he came to bed he wanted to be all close and cuddle.

What else do I do because I cant handle anymore of this bullshit.

I know it's long but thank you to whoever takes the time to read it.

Also I'll post an update when I find out what to say!