Eating less at 7mo

Johanna • Mommy of 1 beautiful boy! 5/20/2019 💙

Ever since my little one turned seven months old I feel like he is eating and nursing less. We are doing baby led weaning and I make sure that he gets milk 30mins-1hr before table food. But it seems like he is eating less during the day and wanting to nurse more at night time. During the day when I’m at work from 8-5 he eats about 12-15oz (split up into 2-2 1/2 bottles) and about 2-4oz of Baby food (2 meals). But the past 2 weeks it has been a struggle to get him to finish any bottles or food. When he is with me he will latch and take a few “drinks” then unlatch look around/kick and relatch and do this for about 15 minutes. But at night time he eats a full 15mins without unlatching and has started waking up more often and won’t go back to sleep till he eats.

Please help.....