

Okay so I made a post a while ago about my period being late. Well I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN MY PERIOD I havent had a perios in 2 months. I've taken multiple pregnancy tests and they've all been negative but I havent taken one in like 3 weeks. I went to the doctor and they told me not to worry unless I miss my period for 6 months in a row but I am worried. I've always had a regular period. I haven't been super stressed. I've been having period symptoms like cramping, moodiness, cravings but now I'm having other symptoms like extreme lower back pain and random pains on the lower left side of my stomach. I'm not on any type of birth control. I've been staying hydrated. I have no clue what's going on and I'm freaking out over this. I've never prayed for my period to come before but I'm really praying my period comes next month. I'm also scared that if I'm not getting my period that something is wrong and I could possibly not have anymore babies. Does anyone have any advice or has anyone gone through this? Having regular periods your entire life then randomly it doesnt come for months? TIA