Hcg blood tests needed after a BFP?


Hi ladies, after a multiple-times confirmed bfp on different days, I called my doctor for an appointment. They do not offer one before the 7-9th week. I found this too late and asked whether I needed to do any blood test or something to confirm the pregnancy and the assistant replied “no”. One day before my visit to the gynecologist, I miscarried (in March 2019 - 9th week of pregnancy). Since then we were trying and nothing happened again! But today I got finally a bfp. My question is, have you done blood tests for Hcg after your bfp to check how your pregnancy develops? And how often? I prefer being prepared that something is not ok, rather than happily waiting for the ultrasound appointment and miscarry the last minute! 😢 Was a shock!

Thanks 🙏 for your replies! 😘