Just ready to start assisted fertility medication already

Can it be January 6th 😏 an let me start this medication to ttc #1 after 3-4 years trying, just wish everything would happen already im so ready for everything an anything with having my first child , praying for a miracle 😌 , being ready for it all yet still waiting for it to happen sucks gets depressing seeing negatives every month for 3years , im ready for the appointments the broken blood vessels in my face from when i 🤢🤷🏻‍♀️always happens dont know why but it does , ready for the preparations for a new family member , ready to shop like non stop 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️ready for family photos for before an after our baby comes into this world ready for all the firsts with my fiancé, ready to be the best mother i know i can be. To give my child life an to feel everything from the first kick to pushing my child out or cesarean whatever way they may make there entrance, im ready an been ready ! Come on lil blessing make your way to me please 💖😊2020 is our year 🙏🏻