He cheated on me for both pregnancies and I need advice !

HOW Should I break up with him???

We have been together almost 5 years, I’m currently 7months pregnant with our second child; noted we have been having issues since last year and I was getting my mind ready to leave then I found out I WAS PREGNANT!

So I stayed and we said we would try to make things work. Back story:

He is a good guy, ( NOT FOR ME) great father and takes very good care of his extended family! He is smart(books lol) educated and financially stable .... with all that said & STILL DISRESPECTED ME AND OUR CHILDEREN by putting myself and them at risk (STI ..etc.)

We have been having issues on communication and I’ve been feeling alone in the relationship for a long time, like we just had a title and no connection anymore, romance or even effort! I’ve been having my women’s intuition and have seen things that made me believe he was not being loyal. Therefore trust, loyalty, attention, affection, communication, kindness was ALL GONE! At this point I’m feeling as if I’m the only one trying! Little do I know he has been talking to other females for majority of our relationship!


When I was pregnant with our first child I found out he was communicating with a girl from our home country in the islands. To my understanding they had been together before we met which is confirmed but she had the understanding they were still in a long distance relationship. I spoke with her and she let me know things and that they had slept together UNPROTECTED while he was in the country for a funeral he had her around his family briefly. I was about 3 months pregnant and only we knew about the pregnancy. Long story short he gave me dumb ass story and I said fuck it don’t make me have to deal w this or you will regret life ! Fast forward to 2019 I’m pregnant and I got ahold of his Facebook and he’s been desperately looking for attention and still talking to the same girl and more. He recently came back from the islands and I found out he slept with a random girl and most likely met up with others on his trip.

CONCLUSION: I’ve known for 1 week now I don’t want to stress out my pregnancy by confronting him and ending this relationship which I’m ready to do. I’m due in March and I’m waiting to BLAST his ass after the baby is born and let him know we are done, I’m not hurt anymore GROWTH! I’m just disgusted & disappointed!

HOW Should I break up with him??? I’m not going easy on him !