Am I 4 weeks or 9?


Been trying to conceive since the mid October... Oct 28th I got a faint positive , had a ton of “symptoms”. But I said I knew my period was going to start, so I just knew and started AF that evening/ Oct 29th. I was obviously disappointed, figured it was just chemical but continued to try,


This cycle my ovulation days were the 12 & 13th, that puts me at 13DPO with 6 positives I took the first 6 all at separate times of the day Dec 26.) and one this morning at 14DPO with all BFP

Ive always had fluctuating hormones, and was already aware I don’t produce most as “normal” I’m thinking I conceived in October & At 9-12 Weeks I think it just took my body awhile to produce the HCG.

Please leave your inputs on the October situation with the FP.

Going to OBGYN today

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