STILL spotting...

Danielle • Dog Mom x3 🐕 . Married 💍 3.10.18. One angel baby (MMC @ 8w) 👼🏻. One IVF rainbow baby 🌈👶🏻.

I’m just curious if anyone has had similar experiences...

I had a MMC at 8w2d, found out just two days later at our second ultrasound (we see a fertility specialist for male factor infertility, which means earlier ultrasounds).

I didn’t bleed on my own so I took cytotec and started my bleed on December 7. Had a follow up ultrasound almost 2 weeks later, on December 19. My HCG was still at 43 that day. Ultrasound showed I was close to ovulation, which all my typical signs indicate I ovulated December 21 or 22. Doctor was surprised about ovulation due to HCG but I’m pretty certain I did.

I was spotting up until the day before ovulating, stopped spotting for 3 days, and am spotting again. It’s light and all dried blood but still annoying. Today, December 27, my HCG is still at 12.

I’m just curious if anyone spotted this long after your MC bleed and also ovulated?

Or anything even remotely similar?

We did ttc this cycle since the doctor gave us the go ahead but I’m guessing there’s no chance since I’m still spotting? Not that we have good odds with male factor infertility but it did happen once naturally...