Fed up and tired


This is the 8th month that I’ve been actively trying.. not trying but not preventing for 2 almost 3 years now. Right now my period was 3 days late but I think it’s coming on because I’m bleeding a little bit my period is never this late which is out of the ordinary but of course it’s probably my body playing tricks on me. I took a test yesterday at 2 days late and BFN. I’m at the point where I’m just done trying because it feels like it’ll never happen and i just ask god why me? Why of all things the one thing I want in this world just is not happening. I’m at the point where it’s hitting me harder then it ever did these past months. Every time I see my period has came I just burst into tears because no matter how much I bd it just never happens. Baby dust to everyone this month, but I don’t think I had much baby dust for myself this time around😞. Just a venting post Sorry its long.