Please help ladies

Samantha • Mama to a handsome boy and angel baby 👼 👦! Proud military wifey ❤️

Had a D&C on December 6th. Still testing very positive on FRER. However I can see that it’s going down as the control line is now just as dark as the test line. I’ve been using first response digital OPK and had 5 solid smileys in a row indicating ovulation. I thought it was just because I have high levels of hcg (I’m assuming my levels are still high but not sure just basing off pregnancy test). However today went to go test again expecting the same result because of the strong positive I had today but it was a solid circle ⭕️. Does this mean I could have actually ovulated? Any advice please! I’m desperate for any sort of answer. Is it even possible to get pregnant with that much hcg in the system?