You know the feeling...

You just know this month was your month!!! All the signs pointed right in the direction you were trying to go. I mean boobs are heavier, cramps are earlier, CM is right... but you just can’t seem to get that BFP yet. You don’t give out on hope tho. You know it’s something you want so you think maybe I gotta work a little harder for it. Meaning af is 8 days late, all 12 tests are negative and you come up with every concept. Maybe i ovulated late, maybe my levels are just too low right now but I gotta be, I must be. This has never happened before. And just when you get patient enough to wait to test a little longer or maybe idk, schedule an OB appointment... right there in the middle of not thinking of it at all bc you’ve been obsessing about it the past week, googling everything you can to feel pregnant— RIGHT there in that moment.... AF shows. What a fucking bummer right? 😩 Here’s to next month ladies, CHEERS! 😢