Sick, tantruming toddler


I’m at a loss here.

My little dude has been running a fever for the past week: fever and cold symptoms. That’s been rough enough because his sleep has been terrible and he’s refusing to nap anywhere but on me.

The past few mornings he’s woken up super thirsty (from the fever I assume). So I’ve gotten him water immediately (he signs for it). But this morning he was signing ‘water’ or ‘hungry’ (the signs are very similar) and NOTHING I tried would please him. Then he’d just have a full meltdown at 5:30 in the morning... and then again at 6:30.

This seems like a temper tantrum. Because the second time I gave up out of frustration, and even though he cried it didn’t last terribly long.

But I don’t know what to do here, especially given the circumstances. His appetite has already been poor from being sick, so I don’t want to not feed him if he’s hungry. But if he’s just wanting me to bring him every item in the house so he can refuse them all that’s not happening either.