Pray for us


Me and my husband have been married for 5 years and still have not been able to conceive I know it's me and I feel bad that I can't fix the problem because the price are high and we rather keep the Bill's paid I worked up enough to start taking clomid but I don't have enough to do a <a href="">iui</a> or a follicle check we have been doing the baby dance ever other day to try and catch my ovulation day but I'm not even know for sure if the medication even worked for me I'm sad because I wanna baby so bad but . I also wanna have food on the table and my light on so please pray for us I took to test and the both said no I can't afford the ovulation strips idk what to do . Clomid had a bad re reaction to me I saw double vision and cramps and nausea so I thought it was working but I guess not please pray for me as I pray for your help and success and support.