As 2019 comes to an end..

J ✨

I’m just reminiscing on how amazing this year has been. My hubby and I have been trying for the last 2 years until this past January we finally let go and let God! Fast forward to March, (2 days before my birthday & our 5 year anniversary) I was getting ready to leave for our trip to Miami when I noticed I hadn’t yet gotten my period, I had leftover pregnancy tests so I thought why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ let’s just take one and see just in case.

Giiiiirrrrl, I peed on that stick, set it down & washed my hands thinking to myself it’s gonna be negative like it’s always been; I look back over at the test and saw those two lines!! ( and look HOW BLUE they are 😍😭😭)

I was in shock! As much as I wanted to surprise hubby and get his reaction on camera couldn’t even wait! I ran into our room & woke him up with the test in his face 😂😍

What was gonna be our anniversary & birthday turn up in Miami turned into our babymoon! 🥰

Now here I am ending the year with my beautiful baby girl in my arms. The most precious gift!! Everything I’ve prayed for ♥️ God is so good! 😭♥️

I’m sure I’m not the only one sitting here in their feelings while they’re baby is sleeping on their chest lol 🥰 how did you all find out you were pregnant this year? 💕