Living situation ....

My boyfriend and I still don’t know where we are going to be living and it’s really starting to cause a lot of stress on me. I’m trying to be happy about the baby but I just feel so stressed all of the time and feel like I’m to the point where I can’t even focus on anything else :/

My boyfriend hasn’t even started his new job yet .. so he’s kind of stressed I think too. I just feel like nothing is working out and I want everything set up before the baby comes & time to ourselves to figure our own life out before adding a baby to the mix. Like we are having a baby together but are still both living at our parents .... we did it to save money but I feel like he can’t now. We got offered to live at one of my parents homes but they are both for sale so I don’t wanna risk moving to one and getting settled then having to move out.

I’m so unhappy & im excited for the baby but beyond anxious about my living situation. I really wanted to take 18 months but I don’t think it’s going to happen for me anymore.