Pulled muscle or something more?

For about two weeks my ribs have felt “weird” is how I can describe it, didn’t hurt or hurt to breath, even deeply, but I noticed trying to pull my dog over my body pulled it and so I thought it was a pulled muscle. Last Saturday (21) I didn’t notice it at all until I trying to pull my blanket back from my husband and it felt like it pulled again.

Now it kind of hurts but I have been doing truck at work which I have to pick up like 50 pound trays at times, it most hurts when I’m putting pressure on it, like my cat was sitting on that side last night.

Other wise it doesn’t hurt to do anything, I ran at the gym yesterday and it didn’t hurt, doesn’t hurt to rest lay on, I’ve been using a heating pad, does hurt to take a deep breath, the only time it “hurts” it’s sort of dull is when I take short, strong breathes of air like laughing or sneezing, but not coughing. It doesn’t hurt to eat or do anything that would be worrying.

And I don’t actually have a cough, I just get tickles in my throat so it’s not pneumonia, what do you think?