Which boyfriend is worse?

a • 20

Title to catch attention, I love my boyfriend.

With my ex I gained 40lbs in one year. He made me feel comfortable with my body, said he loved all of it and there was no need to change. We ate out alll the time and it was super unhealthy. It wasn’t until we broke up that I realized how gross I felt inside and wanted to change.

My current boyfriend started dating me with all of the extra weight and tells me I’m beautiful. I told him I wanted to lose weight and go to the gym and he was supportive of that. After I told him that he will say something if I’m considering eating something too extra or unhealthy, and one time called me his “pillsbury dough girl”. That was months ago but boy did it push me to lose the weight lol. He goes out and exercises with me and helps me eat healthier.

So which is worse in your opinion? A boyfriend who loves you at all stages even if it’s unhealthy or a boyfriend who makes comments on weight (he jokes with it) but actually helps you with your goals?

I honestly think my boyfriend is not trying to be hurtful but I am/girls can be more sensitive. I appreciate all of his support but the language sometimes gets to me.

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