Swollen gums. Please help.

The gums around one of my wisdom teeth are swollen. They swell up every now and then and return to normal. I didn't think much of it. Well the last few days, my gums have been really swollen to the point I can barely close my mouth. Idk if its related but my throat is sore, my ear (on same side as tooth) hurts and I have had horrible headaches and neck pain. I seen my dentist yesterday but all he said is I need to have my wisdom teeth removed. I didn't mention all the other symptoms since he brushed it off. I am in a lot of pain. I called an emergency dentist and was told that I need to pay $400 before getting seen. There are no payment plans. I can't afford that. I don't see my dentist again until Tuesday but I am in so much pain. I can't eat, my headaches are horrible. Should I just go to the ER? I am scared that the infection has spread. What happens if it does? I am terrified.