When asked how many children do you have, do you include losses?


So I noticed this confusion on a distant relative’s Facebook post and I was curious since I currently have been lucky enough not to experience these losses.

The woman was posting on FB one of those get-to-know-you lists like #marriages, #countries traveled etc posts people share and for “#kids” she answered 4. People started commenting very confused as she only has 2 kids as far as anyone knows. She said she’s been pregnant 4 times so she was listing all her kids, including those that she lost. Ok I read that, I accept that, I move on. But the post keeps coming up in my feed since people keep commenting that she was being misleading.

This got me curious: for those that have had miscarriages, when stating how many kids you have, do you include them? How do you react to confusion if you do?

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