Relationship advice

Hey guys, so I’m just looking for some advice. I’m 20 years old and just lost my virginity to a guy with whom I’m not in a relationship with. We both agreed it would be better for us just to be casually dating because I’m from South Africa and I’m going back in 8 months. We have sex all the time and he takes me on the most romantic dates and treats me like a gf. Last night he said he is falling in love with me and I said it back to him but I know he is seeing other people (not sleeping with any of them) but I know he will as soon as he gets the chance. I do believe his feelings toward me are genuine but I just want to know if I should just break things off for my own sanity because I can’t handle having such strong feelings for him and him seeing other people. He also hasn’t texted me since he said he is falling in love with me and I assume it’s because he has another girl with him.

I’m sorry for the book but I’m really new to dating and dating in America seems to be different too so any advice would help!