Luteal phase defect?


I’m curious if I could possibly have this. I’ve never really researched until recently but for a while I’ve been bleeding during my luteal phase and it’s almost period amounts. It doesn’t happen every month but it is more than what I would consider normal. What triggered it as alarming for me was the excessive bleeding during sex which wasn’t accompanied by pain or anything. Initially I thought it was tearing from rough sex but since it’s been happening on and off for about 4 years. I’ve read about polyps and stis/stds which it definitely is not as well as polycystic ovarian syndrome which I don’t really have any symptoms of. I imagine it could be a hormonal imbalance because my mom has thyroid problems and high testosterone levels. Could I possibly have a slightly off hormonal balance since I don’t seem to have every symptom of hormonal imbalance? How does a luteal phase defect affect the body?