should I go to the er?

Last night at work I was on my break eating and out of nowhere I had this awful awful pain in my ovaries. I was bent over in pain, I got extremely hot and nauseous like I could puke everywhere. I took some aleve and the pain calmed down but I still felt bad.

Today I slept all day (I work nights) and it still hurts to bend, turn, laugh. It’s like an achy stabbing pain. I’m also on my period I should add but I never get cramps or even a headache.

I don’t wanna sound like I’m overreacting but I have a high pain tolerance and hate going to the doctor. Endometriosis/pcos/ovarian cancer and all that bad stuff runs in my family.

I’m also a 19 year old CNA so twisted ovary maybe? Cyst rupture?? Endometriosis? :(

What’s your thoughts??